The friendliest and most helpful staff on the planet. On the EXTREMELY rare occasion someone can't answer a question on a product or its availability, they will set off to search out an answer. Nothing is too much trouble. If a queue forms at the tills, another is opened by a member of staff who smiles as if it is their pleasure to serve you, not as if they have been dragged unwillingly into the fray. We only, now, go elsewhere for things M&S don't stock. Fruit and vegetables here are always fresher and last longer than those bought elsewhere. Great quality food, lovely staff and enough of them.
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The friendliest and most helpful staff on the planet. On the EXTREMELY rare occasion someone can't answer a question on a product or its availability, they will set off to search out an answer. Nothing is too much trouble. If a queue forms at the tills, another is opened by a member of staff who smiles as if it is their pleasure to serve you, not as if they have been dragged unwillingly into the fray. We only, now, go elsewhere for things M&S don't stock. Fruit and vegetables here are always fresher and last longer than those bought elsewhere. Great quality food, lovely staff and enough of them.