Tue, 24. Dec, No data for Christmas Eve. Please call...! (Usual opening hours: 06.00-23.00)
Wed, 25. Dec, No data for Christmas Day. Please call...! (Usual opening hours: 06.00-23.00)
Thu, 26. Dec, No data for Boxing Day. Please call...! (Usual opening hours: 06.00-23.00)
Reviews (1)
cant belive what i have just read, 23. Dec 2014 at 13:41
cant belive that you refushed hot water for the homeless, its 2014 not 1900, if thats your stand, i can see that people will go some where other macdolnds to eat, and stores will close, still cant belive this, well macdonlds have just lost 5 customer from my family
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