Battersea Taxi Service 02085424000 BATTERSEA TAXI

Opening hours don't apply
442085424000 (GSM)
51.4707933, -0.172214
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Opening hours don't apply
We provide our selves on providing a quality private hire taxi service and we aim to be on time all the time. 24hrs Battersea taxi provides a great value service for many years. We are the local Taxi Service in fixed price Battersea Cars Taxi serv...
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16. Apr 2014 at 21:32

* All our Vehicles are Fitted with GPS Tracking and Tom Tom * We provide a standard Private Hire Taxi Services * All our Vehicles can take in-car Card Payment * We Provide ourselves on the Quality of Service * Executive Private hire Service * Standard Saloon Vehicles * Courier Delivery Service * Cheap Airport Taxi * Airport Transfers * Executives Cars * MPV Vehicles * Minicabs Taxi * Cabs Taxi. Give us a call on 02085424000 or just send us an Email :[email protected]

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